Tuckahoe YMCA: A Second Home

By TJ Hatchett

The Young Men’s Christian Association is a large and well-known non-profit organization that is spread throughout the world. In 1844, the first YMCA was founded in London by a former tailor, 22-year-old George WilliamsThe organization was started in hopes of having a safe place to connect with the community. Seven years later, the idea of the YMCA had reached a home in Boston, which led to the expansion of the YMCA throughout the US,  Richmond, Virginia has many YMCAs that I have been to, but nothing feels more like home than the one in Tuckahoe on Patterson Avenue. The Tuckahoe Family YMCA began in January 1959 and was a club for meetings and activities. During the first year of the new branch, summer camps were held at Collegiate School. In later years, the club had a growing number of members and youth groups and needed their own space. In 1971, construction began on a plot of land just off of Patterson Avenue and finished by 1975. The new facility contained a pool, gym, offices, and other amenities. 

became a member at the Tuckahoe YMCA in the spring of 2022 and often go 5-6 days a week to exercise and lift weights. The gym at the YMCA has become a large part of my life. The reason I go to the one in Tuckahoe rather than any others is because of how close the location is to Collegiate and the nostalgic feeling it brings. It has become another home for me, and because I have been for a long time, it’s difficult to see myself going somewhere else.

On October 27, 2022, the YMCA began a $9.2 million renovation. The renovation lasted until late 2023, and during that time the facilities were more limited. To get to the gym, you had to walk through the indoor pool areas, which blasted you with humidity. The gym was half the size it had been before construction, and one of the two basketball courts was no longer available. The larger locker room was shut down, so the smaller one left was often crowded. 

Around that time, I had begun to look elsewhere for a gym membership. That plan fell short when I realized the expenses of places like Gold’s Gym. A membership at the YMCA for a teenager between 11-18 years old is $22 a month, whereas Gold’s cheapest membership is $30 a month. This difference doesn’t seem like much, but Gold’s has a fee when purchasing the membership and has a 12-18 month commitment plan. Also, my mom pays for the YMCA, so I felt that paying for my membership would leave me broke.

During the renovations, I found that it became difficult to get a workout in because of the amount of people and the lack of space. I often would find myself going to the YMCA at certain times of the day to avoid the gym rush hour. Other members also got tired of working around the renovations and were anxious for the construction to end. At the time, Jack Ferry (‘24) said, “can’t wait to finally work out without feeling cramped!”

Following the completion of the renovations, the gym was expanded with new equipment, and the second basketball court opened. The entrance had been completely remodeled and now has automatic sliding doors. A universal locker room was built, with many single bathrooms with showers, which is helpful for parents who have kids, because they’re able to be with their child while they are in the locker room. When an employee at the Tuckahoe YMCA was asked how the renovations affected them, they commented, “It made work feel like a home because of the cleanliness and smiles.”

The Tuckahoe YMCA has become more and more popular since its construction. The addition of Rice Crispy Treats to the vending machines has been taking a significant amount of my money, but I also see many others buying the same thing. Almost every time I arrive at the gym, there is always a personal trainer working with another member. The Tuckahoe YMCA represents its global motto of “providing comprehensive programs and services that enrich communities.” 

All photos courtesy of the YMCA.

About the author

TJ Hatchett is a member of the class of 2024