Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Richmond, like many other cities and towns around the country, has become quiet and empty due to the statewide mandatory quarantine issued by Governor Ralph Northam (D). Since then, the streets of Richmond and the surrounding suburbs have been fairly empty, as Richmonders continue to social distance and self-quarantine inside of their homes.
Simultaneously, spring has arrived, and flowers and trees have been blossoming all around the city. Though restaurants and other gathering places have closed, people living in the Richmond area have been spending more time outside and appreciating the beautiful scenes of spring that Richmond has to offer.
Here are a few spots around town that showcase our beautiful spring, while at the same time highlighting our the eerie stillness of life in our new normal.
Festive Richmond colors in front of the University of Richmond sign.
An empty alleyway next to the usually bustling Taste on Grove Avenue. Empty streets in front of once-popular Richmond restaurants such as Jack Brown’s and Beijing on Grove.Eerie Richmond underpass lacking the usual busy rush hour traffic.Another empty Richmond interstate.Usually crowded Cary Street missing busy traffic and walkers on a nice spring afternoon.Cary Court, a place many struggle to find parking, is left completely vacant during quarantine.Windsor Farms’ empty streets as families choose to remain inside during the COVID-19 crisis.An empty Huguenot Bridge on a sunny afternoon.Even on a gorgeous afternoon, no one is floating down the James River.Another angle of the empty Huguenot Bridge at rush hour.Sleepy Hollow, parallel to Collegiate’s own North Mooreland Road, without any cars or pedestrians.The sight of “CLOSED CAMPUS” signs is common when passing Collegiate’s campuses.Collegiate’s green trees blooming as an empty Grover Jones field lies vacant behind them. Cones and cautionary signs guard the gates of the Collegiate campus.Flowers bloom all around Richmond as spring hits us during our weeks in quarantine.Families in Sleepy Hollow write encouraging messages to their neighbors and passersby.More flowers blooming around Richmond.
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