OPINION: Vacation vs. Staycation


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By Silas Gwathmey

Spring Break is behind us, and summer is just a few short weeks away. People always argue about where they want to go for their few chances of vacation. Most of the arguing consists of where to go and things and details about the trip.  Have you ever considered staying home for your given vacation time and doing whatever you want to do with your time?

The idea of a staycation to me is possibly one of the best ways to spend time off. I love to travel, but who does not like being able to get their belongings, schedule, and routines organized at home? On top of that, when you finish your routine, you get to relax for as long as you would like. There are many upsides to having a staycation rather than traveling. If you’re on a budget or just not looking to feel tight on money, staying at home during a break is one of the best options for you. Another great reason is being able to try new activities and get out into your community and discover new things.

Photo credit: Frank Murray via HGTV.

I talked with a friend, Courtney Wash, about what she would do during her recent spring break, and she told me about her vacation plan to go to Ocean Isle. While telling me this, she said, “I don’t know how I am going to get all of my stuff there, I have been so stressed about packing.” No one likes to stress about packing or trying to get all of their belongings from one place to another.

My favorite thing to do on staycations is to spend time with my animals at my farmhouse. I love to take them on walks and try to use as much of my house as I take for granted during busy times, so a staycation is perfect for that. I often also love to enjoy local restaurants such as Don Pedros or Vinny’s Grill. Many of my friends eat there or hang out around there, and it is always nice to see them and get to catch up. Most of the time I find myself taking care of errands while relaxing by just not having other stress on my mind. It is highly beneficial to take a staycation every once in a while, rather than a vacation.

One of the most loveable aspects of a staycation is saving the stress of having to pack and making sure you don’t lose any or all of your belongings. If you’re like me and have a terrible memory when it comes to luggage and electronics, then a staycation is for you. No more paying for your bag to be shipped to you or going bald stressing if your stuff was stolen. My dad, John Owen Gwathmey, spoke with me about his troubles with luggage and the expenses, both money and time, he has lost dealing with it. He said, “There is nothing more inconvenient that makes me as mad as dealing with the airport when I misplace my luggage.” This is the perfect reason to avoid having to pack and venture out near your home.

Photo credit: Pixabay user LAWJR.

There are also so many hobbies to do outdoors that anyone could pick up. This includes fishing, hiking, or maybe even just going sight-seeing to local places you have never really been able to soak in.

In my eyes, there is only one downside to staying at home for vacation, and that would be missing your friends while they’re out traveling. Though this is not necessarily a negative thing, having a couple more people to go out with or having that other option feels pretty nice.

Overall, a staycation wins. I’m not saying I will never travel by choice for the rest of my life, but when given the choice, I would most likely choose a stay-at-home vacation. Next time you have a choice between your family or personal vacation, what will you do?

About the author

Silas is a member of the class of 2023.