Category Archives: Features

Feature stories from our staff, including profiles of people and places of interest to our community.

Mask Making In The Dining Room

By Leighton Klevana The COVID-19 outbreak has led to shortages of everything, from toilet paper to hair dye, but medical supplies are…

Mountain Getaway

By Carter Stokes Just outside of Lexington, Virginia, in Rockbridge County, there is a place special to my family. Roughly every weekend,…

I Drive An Old Car. You Should Too.

OPINION The opinions published by The Match are solely those of the author, and not of the entire publication, its staff, or Collegiate School. The…

High Schoolers On The New Normal

By John Ballowe With the coronavirus situation becoming more severe in the United States, lawmakers and government officials have been intensifying their…

College Students Back Home

By Maddie Ball COVID-19 has shut down schools all across the United States, causing students to return home from colleges. Like Collegiate,…

What Are We Eating In Quarantine?

By Cate Hill In Richmond, like many other cities, restaurants have been forced to close or significantly cut back service due to…

Quarantine Is The Best Time To Reread Your Favorite Books

By Emma Blackwood There is no doubt that isolation has everyone picking up various new hobbies, from sewing and cooking to painting…

Quarantine Puppies

By Ashley D’Ambrosia The well-known phrase, “A dog is a man’s best friend,” is undoubtedly something all dog owners can agree upon….

Richmond’s Tank Runs Empty

By Gabby Dunn Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Richmond, like many other cities and towns around the country, has become quiet and…

Offshore Fishing in the Graveyard of The Atlantic

By Carter Stokes Over Spring Break in March, my father Jimmy Stokes and younger brother Andrew Stokes, a sophomore at Virginia Episcopal…