Category Archives: Features

Feature stories from our staff, including profiles of people and places of interest to our community.

@grubbinwgirlies – Hot Food Takes From Stella and Clarkie

By John Seevers Most New Year’s resolutions typically last for about a month, and in some cases up to a few months,…

Honors Feature: Georgia Football’s Return to the Elite, From a Walk-On’s Perspective

By Malcolm Pace Each fall, hundreds of thousands of fans around the country fill 100,000-seat stadiums to watch the spectacle that is…

Honors Feature: Cardiologist Dr. Phillip B. Duncan Shares His Story and Awareness About Heart Disease

By Rachel Duncan “The last part of the climb when we were headed to the summit and then reached the summit, I…

The Byrd Theatre: Richmond’s Historic Gem

By Braden Felts Movies are a timeless American pastime. From slapstick and raunchy comedies to heartbreaking and tear-jerking dramas, the masses have…

Renting Clothes: A New, Affordable Way To Stay Fashionable

By Clarkie Ackerly As society changes, so do fashion trends; certain items go out of style, and new trends arise. With the…

Looking Into 804 Odd Jobs

By Charles Nolde  Car washing, fence painting, grass cutting, junk removal, and more. 804 Odd Jobs, as apparent in the name, performs…

Looking Back: A Visit to Beth Albrecht’s 2nd Grade Class

By Shepard Adamson On May 2, I visited my former 2nd Grade classroom, Reynolds 203, for the first time in about a…

Exit Interview with Coach Savannah Clarke

By Caroline Crawford During the last week of spring sports, many athletes around campus were holding on to their last days of…

Interim Head Billy Peebles Reflects On His Time At Collegiate

By Treasure Brown In 2022, Collegiate welcomed interim Head of School Billy Peebles. As he is nearing the end of his second…

Alumni in the Arts: Taylor Daniels (’10)

By Emma Lewis Taylor Daniels (‘10), a graduate of both Collegiate and New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, started performing…