Category Archives: Upper School

Snapshot: Varsity Baseball With Freshman Matthew Zandler

By Carter Mitchell and Carter Hepp  Some might say that making a varsity team as a Freshman is the most rewarding and…

Snapshot: Jake MacNelly Previews his Honors Art Showcase

By Kevin Johnson Coming up this Monday, April 15 is the Honors Art showcase, a culmination of all the hard work that…

Snapshot: Warner Lewis and the 2024 Boys Lacrosse Team

By Syd Britt and Sam Hahn Boys varsity lacrosse team co-captain Warner Lewis (’24), who is committed to play lacrosse at the…

Snapshot: Freshmen Create Aspirin

By Kelby Morgan and Sean Conner During E block on Wednesday, March 27, Upper School science teacher Leigh Thompson’s 9th Grade chemistry…

Hypnotist Tom DeLuca: A Deeper Look

By Stella Williams Hypnosis. Is it real? Or is it just a myth? These questions would be answered when professional hypnotist Tom…

Snapshot: Dance Performance Prepares For May Performance

By Treasure Brown and Rachel Duncan After a rainy trek to Seal Athletic Center on a recent Wednesday morning, we excitedly sat…

Snapshot: Wednesday with Will Quinby (’25)

By Heath Brown and John Seevers Most Collegiate upperclassmen are not at school early when they have free period first. Varsity baseball’s…

Snapshot: Varsity Girls Soccer

By Maddie McComb The spring girls soccer season started in the middle of February, and after tryouts, Collegiate’s varsity team ended up with…

Snapshot: Phones in the Upper School

By Clarkie Ackerly and Stella Williams Rumors have been circulating throughout the Upper School about the potential creation of a stronger no-phone…

Rockin’ Through The Years With Mike Boyd

By Braden Felts Tall. Lanky. Metal. One fateful day in 1999, adorned with some beat-up black Converse, a worn pair of black…